Remember Your Loved Ones

Our loved ones in spirit like to be remembered, they like knowing that those left behind still love them and remember them. 

They know when we talk to them, when we pray to them, when we write them a letter or an email, when we draw a picture for them or write them a card. They can hear us when we sing a song to them. They know when we are looking at a picture of them thinking about past memories with them.

You can communicate with your loved ones, just talk to them. Talk out loud, speak in your mind, they can hear you. All you have to do is think about them, send them love, imagine hugging them, they are there and they will get the message.

Sometimes when we talk to our loved one on the other side, it is because something made us think of them. A thought popping in our mind in the form of words, pictures or feelings. Not a coincidence. In those instances, our loved one was there with us, which is why we suddenly thought of them – out of nowhere. Their energy popped into our mind, because they were there with us!

Our loved ones feel our grief in the spirit world, they don’t want to see us suffering, beating ourselves about our regrets or guilt. They want to forgive ourselves and move forward. They like to be remembered and honoured, but they want us to remember the good times and cherish our precious memories with them.

So go ahead, remember your loved ones in spirit, celebrate their birthday, light a candle in their memory, talk about them, talk to them, send them love. They will feel your love that radiates for them, they will hear your words and they will appreciate knowing that are still loved and remembered.


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