When a loved one passes… by Jeff Foster

When a loved one passes, do not worry. Weep, wail, scream, yes, honour their memory, but do not worry. They haven’t gone anywhere, strictly speaking. They have simply lost location and time.

You can no longer pin them down, say ‘there they are’, find them in their materiality, seek them in your personal world. But you see, they were never tied to their bodies in the first place. Their arms, their legs, their brain, their fingers, their blood, their kidneys – these were not the things that defined them. You loved the physical, yes, you were attached to it, you expected it to continue, but it was not all of your love.

You are being called now to remember a deeper love, a universal love, a love that is not attached to form, a love that knows no bounds. A love that does not flee into past and future, but remains so very present as you go about your days. A love that does not depend on word nor place, that follows you wherever you go, that is inseparable from your very own presence, that whispers in your ear late at night… I AM HERE.

Do not search for your loved one in time nor space, friend, do not reach for them and find them absent. They are closer than all that. It will take a while to readjust to their formlessness, of course. You will be called to let go of dreams, yes, and there will be much pain to be felt, much grief to explore with courage and willingness. Get ready to break open for love! But, oh, the joy of discovering your loved one right where you left them! And the excitement of a relationship shattering open into the Infinite!

Know they cannot leave you! Know they never will!

For they are in your presence, and you in theirs!

– Jeff Foster


Jeff Foster studied Astrophysics at Cambridge University. In his mid-twenties, after a long period of depression and illness, he became addicted to the idea of ‘spiritual enlightenment’ and embarked on an intensive spiritual quest for the ultimate truth of existence. He presently holds meetings, retreats and private one-to-one sessions around the world, gently but directly pointing people back to the deep acceptance inherent in the present moment. He helps people discover who they really are, beyond all thoughts and judgments about themselves, even in the midst of the stress and struggle of modern day living and intimate relationships.

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0 thoughts on “When a loved one passes… by Jeff Foster

  1. I just miss her so MUCH….my Jordan had so much going 4 her…..why? Why? Why? The pain I cannot bear….im losing my mind, I’ve lost interest in everything. What do I do

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