A few months ago I had a reading with one of my favourite mediums, she encouraged me to start writing on this website again, saying that my guides were going to help me. I did not take on her advice at that time, partly because I was too busy with life, and partly because I was scared of not knowing what to write. Fast forward a few months on, we are in lock-down because of the CODVID virus and I have more time and feel the need to write something, directed to all the grieving parents across the globe.
It makes me sad and at the same times it surprises me when mothers or fathers who have lost a child thinks that she or he are gone forever from their life, because they cannot see that life continues in another form and they are just a thought away, still loving us and guiding us, from across the veil. I try to open their eyes but this doesn’t always work, I guess everyone is on a different path and a different level of awakening, and this is how it should be.
I have no doubt that my daughter Esther is still with us and that we will be reunited again one day. I have just to keep going on, taking one day at the time and enjoying life as much as I can. I am thankful for what I have got, for the gift of having Esther with me in this life, although just for a short time, and for the even more wonderful gift of having a precious Angel guiding me and loving me from across the veil.
Of course from time to time I also get very sad thinking of how much I miss her physical presence and how wonderful it would be to have her here with us, but then I just lift my eyes up to the sky, trying to look at the big picture, and I have no doubt that all is fine and as it should be. That is why I don’t like when people say “no parents should have to bury their child”. This may be a true statement from a egocentric human perspective, but from a spiritual perspective I can see how children are gifts and they are not for us to keep. There is a bigger plan and loosing a child is part of this: perhaps the child just needed a little time on Earth in this life, perhaps it was in their life plan and now they are safely back home. They touched the life of many people changing them in many ways and perhaps this is what they needed to accomplish. I believe that Esther’s life was a gift and that she was too special to stay here for long, I have always felt this and deep in my soul I have always known she was not going to stay around for long.
Bereaved parents are blessed with an understanding of life and death, with that unique wisdom that make us special, and our children across the veil are part of this. We should learn to parent them in a different way: this is a sacred task that none really wants to take, but that enriches our soul in an unique way. We should learn to acknowledge our children who have crossed over, to find the strong connection we still have with them and we will have forever and to look through the rain to find our rainbow. Until we meet again.