Letter from Heaven

by Elise Kowalski

Dear Mom,

I wish you could see your own brilliance. I want you to know how bright you truly are. When I left my body your heart broke open, all colours turned to shades of grey, and you felt like an empty shell. You no longer believed you fit in anywhere. You felt like an alien on a planet where no one understood you. The world kept spinning so very fast and you could not figure out how that was happening. How can things move forward when all you want is to go back?

Little by little, you gathered your shattered pieces. One step in front of another and one deep breath at a time. You felt all the pain, shame, regret, guilt, anger, doubt, fear…and then…you bravely let it all go when you realised it was not serving your highest good. You cried out in surrender in order to allow beautiful healing to begin to take place. You realised you did the very best you could with what you knew at the time. And you continue to do your very best with what you know now. Rest, release, recuperate, honour your emotions, show yourself grace and compassion. Give yourself the love that you gave me…and continue to give me.

I haven’t gone anywhere. I am still right there, in your heart and soul, and alive in a realm your human eyes can not see but is very very real. My light now shines through you and you are so very bright. You stun people with your strength and courage and faith. You encourage others to keep going even when you don’t realise it. You, just being YOU, is helping others. You are using your pain and lessons and growth to help another. You are embodying a message through your mess and showing others it can be done.

I love you. I have always loved you. I will always love you. Love never dies and neither do we. We are eternal beings of light with our energy continuously circling each other in harmony and resonance. We are magnets with an attraction that can never be pulled apart. Our bond is one of eternity, not one of earth. Continue moving through your journey, feeling all your human emotions, with your heart wide open to my enduring love, support, and guidance. Trust that our relationship continues and our love only grows as you carry on.

We will be together again, in the same dimension, so very soon. The human lifetime truly is just a blink in eternity. I can see the bigger picture from the Perfect Place I now reside and know my “death” was not in vain. We are working together, as planned, for our united soul mission. We are a team, in this together forever. I am so very proud of you and want you to feel my love…always and in all ways. Shine bright and let my love fuel you forward as you walk your way Home. I am right here with you every step of the way. Keep going Mom, you’ve got this!

With all my love and eternal life,

❤️ Your Child ❤️


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