2 min read

Conversation with Grief

I’m leaving you here. For one night I want to forget. And maybe smile. Grief: You can’t leave me behind. I’m tired. You are heavy. Sometimes you are just too much to bear. Grief: I am a part of you now. I can shut the door. Forget you for a few hours. Grief: That is not how this works. I will always catch up to you. Why are you doing […]

9 min read

There is no conspiracy

by Jeff Foster You are going to die. Something will kill you. Disease, an accident. A virus, cancer, a heart attack out of the blue. Something unexpected. Something that could never have been predicted. Yes, sooner or later, and you cannot know when, you are going to die. Even if you have a healthy immune system now, even if you believe that you are safe and protected by angelic forces, […]